
Capstone Excelsior University, LLC - C.E.U. (CA)




College of Theological Studies

College of Christian Counseling

College of Ministerial Studies


College of Theological Studies

-Associate's Degree of Theology

-Associate's Degree of Biblical Studies

-Bachelor's of Theology

-Master's of Theology

-Doctor of Theology


College of Christian Counseling-- (Lighthouse Academy for Christian Counseling and Seminary)**

-Associate's of Christian Counseling

-Bachelor's of Christian Counseling

-Master's of Pastoral Care and Counseling

-Master's of Christian Counseling

-Doctor of Christian Counseling

**Special Doctorate Degree Program: Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Christian Counseling


Special Trainings
College of Ministerial Studies

N.C.C.A. Curriculum and Academy Training {distance learning and classroom requirements}
Specialized Ministerial Training License Course with Catechism for Licensing